A character counter and online word to customize

Word Counter is a tool created for webmasters and web editors and help in writing content. Do not waste time writing a text that is too long or too short ...

Word counter in real time

Counter Words is a word counter in real time giving the number of written words. So you can directly take into account the evolution of your work. No need to validate a button to interrupt, Words Counter gives the number of written words and count the number of characters directly. The display is instantaneous, you know in real time the work you have to do.

Counting characters, words, with or without spaces

Your word count tool displays more information it counts the number of words, the number of space characters, and the number of characters without spaces, and displays the total in real time. The purpose of this platform is writing to allow you to have visibility on the number of words left to write.

Word count that does not count the stop words

Counter Words feature is to set up a word count to not count words with no interest in a search engine: determinants, surname or apostrophes. You decide if you want to count words stops or not.
Discover our word counter and free print and online

Word Counter